Monday, May 25, 2009

Narcisissm 101 ...

Definition of Narcissism:
Narcissism describes the trait of excessive self-love, based on self-image or ego.

Where was the name 'Narcissism' originated?:
It originated from the mythological story of a Greek boy called Narcissus. He was actually cursed by a nymph called Echo (having her own little story...) He fell in love with himself after looking at his own reflection in a small pool. Worse comes to worse he dies and becomes a flower...

Mmm... have you ever passed someone on the street or even your own relative and they just happen to pass a reflection of themselves, then suddenly they start fixing their clothes their hair and by chance, just by chance... they fix their make-up!

Ah the signs of Narcissism! Ahh! Ok I don't really know either. But what I do know is that being a Narcissist is so not on. Yeah it's not! You shouldn't be so up yourself! And don't be a hypocrite right now.

(I'll beat you to a pulp...jokes)

I know you're saying you're not, but sadly you are. How? Well let me explain.

Have you ever gone home after a long day at either work or school thinking to yourself?

"I'm hungry... I wanna eat"

So YOU'RE hungry...and YOU want to eat. So technically right there and then you are being a Narcissist, but how are you?

Like this:

You eat because YOU'RE hungry --> you’re hungry because YOU'VE been working very hard --> you’ve been working hard so you can either learn for YOURSELF or earn money...FOR YOURSELF.

Now do you get the reason why this argument goes around, also being called a circular argument. It won't stop until you reach to a peek of being annoyed! Or you end it at probably you giving up… (and run away XP)

Or go in denial...


Now tell me that you're not one and that you ALWAYS think of someone instead of yourself.


You're always thinking of yourself.

Why do you help people? Because you want to feel good or want a reward out of it!Even I do that! So you can't call me that I'm hypocrite because I know that I think of myself and that I do things for myself all the time!

School for example:

Why do I go to School?

To learn of course.

Why do I learn?
So I can have a better future

Why a Better Future?

So i can help my family?

Why Your Family?
So that i can provide for them when they have nothing else ...

Why Is That?

They have done a lot for me...


Feed me, Take me to places, MY MUM GAVE BIRTH TO ME!

See... It all connects to me. AND it will connect to you too, and that argument won't stop there... There’s more, it's just that if I keep going I would of probably spent the whole time writing an argument I made and wouldn’t exactly win.

Narcissism is the kind of characteristic that would pretty much make your life only about you. You alone can change that, sometimes. But then an argument would be made again like how come you want to lessen your up-your-self-attitude. Then you'd keep on saying it's for the good of your personality...

It's a Circular topic because it wouldn't end. Narcissism is what makes us Human. Even Jesus, He also was a Narcissist. He healed people; He taught and died for us... Why? So He could fulfill His prophesy that God had planned. God did that so that we could be saved from sin and be forgiven. He did that so when we died we could live with Him in heaven...and yes... To worship Him for eternity.

That actually, to even myself, is an act or narcissism. He wants to be praised and worshiped, so He did everything for us, for Himself...

So it has its ups and downs...but I'm looking at the Ups of Narcissism and how it'll effect my life...

So to end this with no more confusion... Narcissism is an act of being up yourself...

Oh and...

Don't be TOO up yourself alright?

This is DbSkHatter Signing Off~~~

(sorry for the text font change... I can't seem to fix it...the code are...complicated in such cases as mine)

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